For our bookstore customers:
Please consider Penntext Publishing & Print, should faculty ask you for help in order to produce their own custom course materials. We have a long track record…well over 20 years, of wholeheartedly serving our faculty customers in such a way as to reflect very well on the campus bookstore. We can work directly with faculty to produce finished, delivered product to your store, or we can support you in your coordination directly with faculty. Our interest is serving all parties well, to produce high quality, inexpensive course materials.
We excel at communicating and coordinating with you, as well as with faculty, in such a way and with thorough detail, so that all parties are kept completely in the loop regarding any and all pertinent details on the progress of development, production and delivery of course packs.
Penntext Publishing & Print will create all review and desk copies for faculty, free of charge.
Bookstores typically markup these inexpensive custom course materials by 25-30%. Excellent & reliable revenue stream for the bookstore. Especially now, custom course packs add solid revenue to your store operation.
For Delaware Valley colleges & universities, we deliver directly & personally on larger orders. One-day UPS or FedEx delivery on smaller orders.
Count on us for VERY quick turnaround time (we’re famous for it) especially for late orders.
The bottom line – we can please your faculty members quickly & easily, with high-quality end product, superior communication and superior service.
Please email or call, anytime, if we can answer any questions or concerns.
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